The Bible Parenting Code: Revealing God's Perfect Parenting Plan


E-BOOK: The Bible Parenting Code
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"This is the BEST book I've ever written!" ~ John Rosemond
When Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, says that children should be brought up according to the “training and instruction of the Lord” (6:4), he refers to God’s parenting code, which John lays out in the pages of this book, written in his usual eye-opening and engaging style. Of the forty scripture contained in the code, most seem, at first glance, to have little if any bearing on the raising of a child. Take Jesus’ command that we love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31), for example. That fundamental Christian precept has direct bearing on parental responsibilities and John explains how. Learn why the discipline of a child is a form of spiritual warfare! Find out how Ecclesiastes 3:1—“There is a time for everything and a season to every purpose under heaven”—applies to parenting matters!
The Bible Parenting Code has a built-in study and discussion guide, making it ideal for use in group settings. This latest addition to John’s ministry to parents and families, he says, “Will help parents align themselves with the only parenting plan that really and truly works.” As with everything else under the sun, God has the final word on the subject!
Read the introduction and first chapter here: Introduction and First Chapter
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